At 8:00PM on Friday night we starting rocking and we stopped rocking at 8:00AMon Saturday morning. Now, let me give a little background info. My youth group at church are going to Indy this summer for a service trip. So we decided for one of our fundraisers we were going to do a Rock-A-Thon which is sorta like a Walk-A-Thon but instead of walking we rocked in rocking chairs for 12 hours. We watched movies like The Blind Side, Inkheart, Alvin and the Chimpmunks:The Squeakual. We also played games and listened to music. To keep us awake we drank caffinated drinks and sugary snacks.It was a lot of fun! We all managed to stay awake the whole time, but once it hit 8:00AM we were ready to go home and hit the sack. We raised over $1000 dollars which was awesome!