Here she is looking beautiful as always, by a waterfall at the JMU Arboretum.
Yesterday was my sister Kate's birthday, she turned 12 years old. It's weird to say she's 12 when she looks like a 16 year old (hence for those of you that have seen her lately she is growing in height)! :) Kate and I have grown closer over the past year since we have been nearly everywhere with eachother. School, Church, Family stuff, Youth, etc. We have learned which buttons we can push on eachother to make the other one irritated. Thus, we have also learned how best to relate to eachother from learning more about eachothers feelings and emotions we experience in different ways. Though there are times where we 'hate' eachother we both know deep down we truly love the other. She is my best friend and I think that now I can say that after this year. Before I would've said she is my sister and nothing more than that, but now I can say she is my best friend and I am truly grateful to have such an awesome friend and sister. And Kate I know you're reading this and I want to say the simple but deep words, 'I LOVE YOU' You are amazing, and talented in so many areas, I have loved to watch how God has shaped you over the year. He has so much good in store for ya!
Well, on to the celebration...........It all started with mom taking the day off, so her and the birthday girl went shopping. For the birthday meal, we had BBQ chicken, layered saled, mac n cheese, fresh strawberries, and ice cream. It was a delicious meal. Oh and I almost forgot we ended the birthday day with our FAVORITE show Chuck. I haven't watched it in ages it feels like, so it was good to catch up on Chuck and Sarah :)
It was a very fun and special day!