Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Cool and Peaceful Morning

I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping and corn stalks rustling. To the calm breeze that cooled my body, and the warmness of my blanket that I wrapped myself in because of the cool breeze. To the sight of the breaking of dawn that greeted me with its faint darkness. To the smell of a fresh and peaceful morning.

I sleep with my window open at night for a reason. Because of the sounds at night that help me fall asleep and the sounds in the morning that help wake me calmly. I know for me a good nights rest makes a big difference in how my day goes, so I have a feeling today is going to be a good day :) Hope your day goes well too.
Take Care,   

Friday, June 25, 2010

Catching Up

Last time I posted was awhile ago. So I thought I would just catch you up on what I have been up to these past few days. It's been hot and dry here in Harrisonburg. We are hoping we will get a lot of  rain here soon, because everything is so dry. My dad especially, is hoping it will rain soon or he will have to start buying hay for our cows and goats, because the pasture is so parched.
It feels as if this summer is going to slip right past me, we are almost in July already. Crazy! Right now I am in the process of making a scrapbook, so I am getting the pictures around. I have never done this before, but have always wanted to. We-shall-see how it turns out. If you have any advice for me let me know...
In about a week Kate, my youth group, and me are heading up to Indy (Indianapolis) for a week. We will be working in a soup kitchen, playing with little kids, helping the elderly, and so much more. I am grateful I have this opportunity to help shed Christ's love. As Christians I believe we are called to help one another with love, not to worry about ourselves so much but to help and care for others who need the love and compassion.  Your prayers would be greatly appreciated as we work and for safety as we travel. Thank You!
Well, bye bye for now. You have just been listening to 'Catching Up' with Emily Kauffman :) O Boy!
Take Care,


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Helping Out

On Tuesday, my Mom, Kate, and I went to Ohio to help my grandparents move. They are moving into a smaller house because their old house was beginning to get too much for them. We helped them move their kitchen and most of their bedroom into their new house. It was good to be able to help them out and help them arrange their new house. They are transitioning from living out in the country surrounded by Amish, into a neighborhood surrounded by their friends. I am happy for them, and I think it will be a good fit for them. So many good memories were made at their old place. Fishing at the pond, playing ball in the yard, sitting around the campfire, sleeping in the camper, playing in the loft, riding bike up and down the driveway, seeing the goats, going snowmobiling on the big field, tractor rides, playing in the sprinkler, and so many more. But I am sure so many more good memories will be made at the new house, despite the differences. Grandma and Grandpa, if you are reading this I want you to know I love you very much! Thanks for all you do!
Take Care,

Monday, June 14, 2010

A Hot One Indeed

HOT......HOT.......HOT.......HOT.......Oh and did I forget to mention HOT....  Today here in Harrisonburg it was HOT. With hardly a breeze blowing and temperatures in the 90s it was HOT. And to make it even worse, we don't have AC (Air Conditioning). Even though I have gotten used to it over the years, on days like today I long to have the cooling and comforting AC. But whenever I find myself craving AC, I have to think of the kids in the blazing hot desert in Africa and so many other places in the world where a HOT climate is the norm. There is no place to go to cool down......And here in America we are spoiled with the privilege of Air Conditioning. Now, let me get this right, I don't want to come across as offensive. But just to give a reality that sometimes we don't think of.
Enjoy your week,

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My Fudge Experience...

Yesterday afternoon my dad, Kate, and I went on a end of the year field trip to the Frontier Culture Museum in Staunton, VA. Kate and I had been there before in elementary school but dad hadn't. It was a beautiful day to go, there was a nice breeze and it wasn't hot :) It was fun to walk around and see all the different sites. If you haven't been there before its an outdoor museum, you walk to different settlements and get a tour of it. There are German, Irish, American, and English settlements. It was fun to see how they were all different. There were animals too, we saw cows, chickens, sheep, lambs, turkeys, goats, and pigs. It was great fun! Now, your probably wondering where fudge comes into all of this, well......after touring the museum we went inside the gift shop were there happened to be some fudge..... They offered samples and we couldn't resist. Kate tried the Peanut Butter fudge, I tried the Cinnamon Crunch fudge, and dad tried the Strawberry fudge. And let me tell ya, after we had the samples we HAD to get some. The deal was that if you got a pound you could get a half pound free. So of course we got a pound and a half. In all we got 6 pieces of fudge each a 1/4 pound; Strawberry, 2 Peanut Butter Chocolate, Cinnamon Crunch, Chocolate Walnut, and Maple Nut. I have never had that good of fudge before, it was soooo creamy and rich. Surprisingly most of the fudge made it home, so Anya and Mom had some too. Thankfully Kate and I ran today :)
Take Care,  

Sunday, June 6, 2010

A First for Everything...

Today at my church it was Youth Sunday. A Sunday where the youth of the church plan and run the service. As we were deciding who was doing what, I agreed to preach. Yes, you heard me, preach. No, I have never preached before, so this was a first for me. I immediately started to think about what I was going to speak about even though it was a month away. I finally decided I was going to speak on Trust and Patience. With the experience of this past year, I thought this theme fit perfectly. (P.S. If you would like a copy of my sermon, just email me) So I prepared for what would be 10-15 minute sermon. Finally today came, and no I actually wasn't that nervous at all. I had prayed and prayed that God would give me courage and peace of mind, and he did. Thanks God! And woweee, did I feel great up on stage. I was only slightly nervous and I as comfortable as ever. Only God could meet that need of mine. After the service was done, I can't even begin to think of how overwhelming it was to have so many people come up to me and thank me for my message. It was so amazing and I am so grateful for every ones support. I believe God has called me to ministry and today was one more reminder of the amazing gifts God has given me. I have come a long way in my confidence level this year, and I am so grateful I had the confidence to be able to preach this Sunday. God has given each of us gifts, its what makes us all unique. Don't be afraid to share your gifts with others!
Take Care,

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Babysittin a Cutie Pie

This past year I have had the pleasure of babysitting Audra often. Because of being homeschooled I have had more flexibility. This evening Audra came to my house for the first time. We had so much fun! She loved seeing the goats, cows, chicks, and cats. Isn't she a cutie?!

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Tree and its Friends

We have a oddly shaped Mulberry tree at the back of our property that our goats LOVE to climb on. As you can see in the picture above its easy to climb on. They will spend hours out there playing on it and trying to see who can get the farthest out. Goats are really good at climbing things.

Mom and Kate were out picking mulberries. Here is Kate picking and the goats checking out what she is doing. Lyla the big white one LOVES mulberries, so I won't be surprised when I see some purple poop around. :)

Katie and Dooley lovin on each other. Isn't that special! Goats are great pets, they are so friendly.
Take Care,

Thursday, June 3, 2010

I Love Change!

For those of you who know me well,  you know that I love change! I change my room at least once a month, because I just get tired of the same arrangement  :) If you haven't noticed already :) I do love to change my blog design a lot. This week already I have changed it three times. heh heh.... and....For those of you who email me, you know that I have changed my email address way to many times.....4 times.... O my! I have an obsession. I think we all do whether it be chocolate or your favorite TV show. Obsessions are ok at times, but when it becomes the only thing that consumes you and it begins to take the place of more important things that's when it becomes a problem. Like for example my obsession with changing my email, this obsession has its negatives. It becomes more work for the people I email, who have to change my email on there contact list. Trust me I feel bad, (Sorry Kiara, Evan, Emily.......) but for some reason it doesn't stop me. My parents have definitely let me know their opinion about my email obsession. So from now on I will try to keep the email address I have now :)
The funny thing is, is that I love change when I can make the change but when it comes to someone else making a decision for me I hate it! Well, now that you have heard about my obsession, tell bout yours. Just post a comment about what your obsession is whether it be a bad one or a good one.
Take Care,

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

An Unofficial Start to Summer

Some say Memorial Day weekend is the (unofficial) start of summer. After this Memorial Day weekend I would have to agree. Temperatures reached the 90s here in Harrisonburg, it was HOT. I am looking forward to summer this year. I have some things planned. Some trips to Ohio and a week in Indy (Indianapolis) with my youth group. We will be doing service inner city. I can't wait! We have two family reunions so it will be good to see family. Next, I want to share with you a quote that I thought fit with this time of year:
"Deep Summer is when laziness finds respectability"
~Sam Keen
Take care and enjoy your summer whenever it starts for you,