Sunday, September 15, 2013

I would die for you...

  the other night i was watching my favorite show "Rookie Blue", and at the end of the episode a song was playing in the background as the cops were recovering from several being shot. they were in all waiting in the hospital to hear whether they would all be okay. watching what was happening on the show as well as hearing the words of the song brought tears to my eyes. the song repeated over and over again.."I, I would die for you..yeah I, I would die for you..and it all came true yeah it all came true.." this song has never left my mind since. as i was explaining it to my friend, i mentioned how i imagine jesus singing it to me..."Emily, I, I would die for you....and it all came true..." i know it may sound a little on the cheesy side..but in the past i have been amazed  at how powerful words can be when you put music to them..

  the lyrics have kept playing in my mind. kind of  like how i have been playing it over and over again on spotify, and so it made me think of how much Jesus really does love me. how like in "Rookie Blue" he would take a bullet for me. he would lay his life down in order to let me live, and i keep saying would, but the thing i cant quite wrap my head around is that he did. he loved me despite my imperfections, my flaws, my sinful deeds, enough to lay his own life down.

  love. what does it actually mean? we throw that word around sometimes like its no big deal. "i love pizza" or "i love Rookie Blue" Jesus took love to a whole other level. when He said for us to love our enemies..he didn't just mean say hi once in a while or share a laugh here and, to Jesus was so much more than that...with love comes humility...putting others before matter what that person did or said to you..Jesus said to love matter if that person has the same beliefs or views as you..Jesus said to love them...this whole love thing isn't easy...numerous times throughout this school year so far, its kind of slapped me in the ive interacted with people who don't always look or feel the same way i do about things i don't think "love" is necessarily the first thing that pops into my brain...but then i remember that Jesus didn't just die for me...he died for them, he died for them too...

"I would die for you"..Matt Walters..