Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hard Work Pays Off

Hard Work Pays Off.
Our afternoon farm project today was making compost bin(s). We started out with taking measurements and putting them on graph paper, and then we started the building process. By the way, this job was done by my sister Kate and I (no parental help), so we felt pretty "cool" after we finished. Our supplies included 21 3ft. bales of straw, 11 metal rods, graph paper and pencil, pitch fork, rake, strength to pick up the bales which of course all came from me. I mean DUH!! :)

The picture above is the proof of our hardwork. Sorry, it is a little blurry.
Take Care.


Emily Joy said...

That's great Em! Hard work DOES pay off!

~Emily Joy

Carolina said...

Thats really cool! I think its neat that you did it all on your own with your sister. I don't think I could do that!