Thursday, January 14, 2010

Back to the Beautiful Virginia!

It sure is good to be back home after being gone for a week. We got back around midnight last night, and found mom awake waiting for us, which was amazing! I was sorta hoping that there wouldn't be any snow on the ground after having it snow everyday in Ohio, but oh well. Onto something else, I have been saving up my money to be able to afford a camera and so tonight after 3 months of saving I was able to purchase one on Amazon. So that will be something I will be looking forward to arrive in the mail.
I am sure most of you reading this have heard of the devastating and horrific earthquake in Haiti. What a trajic thing to happen in the poorest country in the western hemisphere. Just awful. No words can describe the tragedy brought upon those in Haiti. Let us keep all those in Haiti in our prayers. It just makes you feel so much more grateful for what you have and the status of where you live.
Blessings to you, 

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