Saturday, January 26, 2013


this week has been a really good one for me. i felt God's presence in so many different ways. even in the small things such as hearing a song on the radio that i was really able to relate to at the time. and in the big things such as a conversation with a good friend of mine that needed to happen. being able to be honest with one another and realizing that God was present. i know i tend to not fully expect to see God in my everyday life but i was reminded this week that if we seek God we will find Him. i am also amazed each and everyday at school the variety of people that come up to me and feel comfortable to talk to me and even some who feel comfortable enough to be honest and tell me what they are struggling with or where they see God at work. wow. it gives me chills just thinking about it. God, you are working through me. some find fulfillment  and confidence through sports, academics, music, art, or dancing but for me its being able to listen. to listen to people whether they are hurting, rejoicing, or just simply confiding in me. listening as well reaching out to every person not just the "cool" ones. it gives me so much joy to know that people respect me because of the faith i have in Him. its not because of me its because of HIM. we are each called to live out our lives in such a way that through our actions and words the only one who is glorified is HIM. whatever your gifts may be. be bold. be confident in the One who provides all strength and power. praise be to the King of Kings.forever and ever. amen. peace. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


                             Dearly loved.
                       A much loved person.
adjective.  dear - darling - favorite - favorite - loved
noun.  sweetheart - darling - love - sweetie - lover

Psalm 119:41-48 (The Message)
Let your love, God, shape my life    with salvation, exactly as you promised;
Then I’ll be able to stand up to mockery
    because I trusted your Word.
Don’t ever deprive me of truth, not ever—
    your commandments are what I depend on.
Oh, I’ll guard with my life what you’ve revealed to me,
    guard it now, guard it ever;
And I’ll stride freely through wide open spaces
    as I look for your truth and your wisdom;
Then I’ll tell the world what I find,
    speak out boldly in public, unembarrassed.
I cherish your commandments—oh, how I love them!—
    relishing every fragment of your counsel.

on monday night our family received word that my 17 year old cousin had been in an accident head on with a drunk driver. she was immediately taken to the trauma center and at the time there was so much unknown. the feelings of shock, anger, and sadness were very present as we waited to hear more of her injuries and present condition. but i am so grateful and overjoyed to announce that her recovery has gone so peacefully and smoothly. i am reminded of the immeasurable and vast the love that God has is for each one of us. i find myself thinking so often, how in the world can i possibly be worth the love that He has for me. i am beloved. He loves me despite the fact that i fail Him everyday. 

then a good friend of mine shared a way that has helped him to be reminded of God in his everyday life. he challenged our fca to find something in our everyday life and dedicate it to God. whether it be making it our mission to act kindly towards our siblings when we face the temptation to snap back when they annoy us or even simply carrying around a special rock in our pocket to remind us that God is always with us. as i was thinking of what i could do to help me be reminded of this i thought of a word. b e l o v e d. i thought about where i could have it so that i would constantly be reminded of God's presence and the reminder that God loves me despite all the ways i fail Him. so as you can see in the photo above i found my wrist to be a good place to write it. so that throughout my day and whatever challenges i may face i would be reminded. "em, you are loved." it may seem so simple. because i think we often use the word love so loosely. but love is such a powerful and deep word. so i'd encourage you to find a way or object that can help you to be reminded of God's presence in your everyday life. remember that you are beloved no matter what you've done. He still loves YOU <3 font="font" nbsp="nbsp">

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

2 0 1 3 = p r o o f....

..2 0 1  3..
i have no doubts this year will be full of ups and downs, highs and lows, challenges and joys. remember em, take it all one day at a time. live in the present. the reality is HIS plan is so much better than yours. seek HIM and you will find joy. stay strong girl. stay firm in who you are and who you stand for. remember you cannot do it alone. people love you. build bridges. make good choices. live with intention. listen hard. laugh. continue to learn. do what you love. 

this is simply my prayer for this year. 

..2 0 1 3..

If I sing but don't have love
I waste my breath with every song
I bring an empty voice, a hollow noise
If I speak with a silver tongue
Convince a crowd but don't have love
I leave a bitter taste with every word I say

So let my life be the proof,
The proof of Your love
Let my love look like You and what You're made of
How You lived, how You died
Love is sacrifice
So let my life be the proof,
The proof of Your love

If I give 
To a needy soul but don't have love then who is poor?

It seems all the poverty is found in me

So let my life be the proof,
The proof of Your love
Let my love look like You and what You're made of
How You lived, how You died
Love is sacrifice
Oh, let my life be the proof,
The proof of Your love

When it's all said and done
When we sing our final song
Only love remains
Only love remains

Let my life be the proof,
The proof of Your love
Let my love look like You and what You're made of
How You lived, how You died
Love is sacrifice
So let my life be the proof,
The proof of Your love

this is simply my song for this year.

..2 0 1 3..

"Get the word out. Teach all these things. And don’t let anyone put you down because you’re young. Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity. Stay at your post reading Scripture, giving counsel, teaching. And that special gift of ministry you were given when the leaders of the church laid hands on you and prayed—keep that dusted off and in use."
..1 Timothy 4:11-14..

this is simply my scripture for this year.

walk with me on this journey. a journey of learning, loving, listening, messing up, forgiving, and simply being. 
take care. 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

being in love...

this weekend i had the opportunity to go on a winter retreat with my church's youth group at Amigo Centre. i felt so intrigued about the things i learned and how i was inspired that i feel the need to share. Jessica, our speaker for the weekend, had us look through a stack of photos of some very different images. the first time she had us pick out a photo that made us think of faith and what we believe faith looks like. i chose a photo of what looks like a person walking up an escalator but it only shows their feet. for me faith is a journey of walking with God. its like we are climbing up a mountain/escalator and we have those high experiences along the way when we feel "high" on God in a way then like the escalator may pull us up or down. we also have low times where it feels like life/escalator is pulling as down. its like a roller coaster. the second photo we had to choose was a card that showed, in our opinion, what a perfect faith looks like. i chose a picture of a bride on her wedding day. for me if i felt like this bride did about her new spouse as i did about God i would have the perfect faith. so in love with God and wanting a full relationship with Him. i long for the feeling of being fully in love with God and all that He is and does. to me that is what a perfect faith would look like. realizing there is a journey beginning just as the wedding day symbolizes. words that come to mind when i think of this kind of faith are the trust, the relationship, the hope, the commitment, the promise, and what binds it all together...l o v e. i long for the kind of faith that has me being so in love with Him that obedience to Him comes naturally. the third and fourth cards we had to choose had to symbolize worship for you. i chose a card that showed a girl sitting in a dark church sitting hunched over in a pew. she could've been praying or she could've been struggling for the right words. whatever the case i think it is important to realize worship is a time where we can simply sit at the feet of Jesus. soaking in His presence. no we dont need to have it all together. but simply taking the time to listen to Him and spend time with Him. that is what worship is all about for me. the other card i chose was more of what i sometimes see worship as in a not so helpful way. it was a picture of a silverware container with the forks, knives, and spoons all in the specific compartments. the different types of silverware symbolized for me that there are different ways of worship. just like the forks, knives, and spoons all help while eating so do the many different ways of worship. there isn't a right or wrong way. but to remember who and why you are worshiping.
Romans 8:15-17 (The Message)..
"This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It’s adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike “What’s next, Papa?” God’s Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. We know who he is, and we know who we are: Father and children. And we know we are going to get what’s coming to us—an unbelievable inheritance! We go through exactly what Christ goes through. If we go through the hard times with him, then we’re certainly going to go through the good times with him!"

take care. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

a tradition..

in past years i have taken time to look back on that year and remember the highlights and have posted about it. i have made it a tradition that i wish to continue. so here are my top highlights from the past year 2012.
J A N U A R Y 
if im honest i cannot seem to remember anything that happened during this month. haha. 
 F E B U R A R Y 
snow camp at amigo with MYF. 2 hour long snow ball fight. kent miller's words of inspiration. tubing in the dark. snow in the toliet thanks to the guys. huge game of spoons. laying in the snow looking up at the stars with katie. long walks with meg, mara, and holly. 
M A R C H 
fiddler on the roof. first musical ever. tzeitel. new friendships made. playing with a "real" baby. memorizing lines. lots of makeup. kiara surprising me. roses from dad. lots of fun. 
winter jam. front row seats. cutting in line. kari jobe. mcdonalds with liz and mom. taco bell. 
M A Y 
worship night at the Back Bay. the band Polen. amazing speaker. hands held high. renewed. refreshed. on fire for HIM. 
J U N E 
SWAP in Kentucky. mountains. MYF. DQ walks. singing on the stage with gabe. heat. learning life lessons. giving but not always receiving what you intend. pickin and grinnin. beef stand. threshers convention. serving more than 200 burgers in a day. me and mara. grease. sweat. fun. HOBY. unique experience. leadership conference. pettisville's sophomore representative. new friends. cheers. seminars. carnival at the nursing home. emily. alex. razzmatazz. make life sparkle. feeling of being empowered. Minnesota. cousins. sleeping on the trampoline. straightening chris's hair. exploring. walks with anika. hiking. waterfalls. biking. floating down a river in tubes. sun burns. naked people in Madison. huge farmers market. 
J U L Y 
Little Eden. cabin in the woods. phil. brandon. sarah. boats. snapping turtles. perfect weather. campfire on the beach. sunsets. relaxation at its finest. cherry spitting contest. kayaking with an. volleyball camp. university of Michigan. patrick. autographs. long hours. gatorade. subway. bdubs. 'rach's birthday'. laughter. concert. kari jobe. mom. kate. anya. inspiration. big church. great music. panera bread. sunset. love. dying hair . kaylyn. yari. fun. purple. teal. 
A U G U S T 
volleyball. varisty team. conditioning. dedication. learning. fall retreat. setting up tents. MYF. jim. jill. sleeping under the stars. fishing. long hours of playing volleyball. caleb&zach vs. josh&me.
S E P T E M B E R 
first bite. taco bell. supreme crunch wrap. aaron. gabe. caught on tape. hot sauce. driving skills. walmart runs. baptism. testimony. water. dad. towel with my name. sparkling shirt. hugs. tears. love. joy. beginning of a journey. 
O C T O B E R 
square dancing. liecthy's barn. candy corn. cider. new moves. MYF. virginia. surprising ki and others at the musical. bowl of good. sleepover with ev, ki, and kat. two worlds collide. 
N O V E M B E R 
chrysalis flight. butterfly. beautiful beloved brunettes. prayer. candles. candy. speakers. poster parties. friends. jordan. feeling HIS presence. 
D E C E M B E R. 
leading worship. planning. preparation. peace. affirmation. lori. learning. birthday. lights at the zoo. ear piercings. 17. happy.

what a year it has. i look forward to the coming year. i cannot wait to see what God has in store. 
take care.