Tuesday, January 1, 2013

a tradition..

in past years i have taken time to look back on that year and remember the highlights and have posted about it. i have made it a tradition that i wish to continue. so here are my top highlights from the past year 2012.
J A N U A R Y 
if im honest i cannot seem to remember anything that happened during this month. haha. 
 F E B U R A R Y 
snow camp at amigo with MYF. 2 hour long snow ball fight. kent miller's words of inspiration. tubing in the dark. snow in the toliet thanks to the guys. huge game of spoons. laying in the snow looking up at the stars with katie. long walks with meg, mara, and holly. 
M A R C H 
fiddler on the roof. first musical ever. tzeitel. new friendships made. playing with a "real" baby. memorizing lines. lots of makeup. kiara surprising me. roses from dad. lots of fun. 
winter jam. front row seats. cutting in line. kari jobe. mcdonalds with liz and mom. taco bell. 
M A Y 
worship night at the Back Bay. the band Polen. amazing speaker. hands held high. renewed. refreshed. on fire for HIM. 
J U N E 
SWAP in Kentucky. mountains. MYF. DQ walks. singing on the stage with gabe. heat. learning life lessons. giving but not always receiving what you intend. pickin and grinnin. beef stand. threshers convention. serving more than 200 burgers in a day. me and mara. grease. sweat. fun. HOBY. unique experience. leadership conference. pettisville's sophomore representative. new friends. cheers. seminars. carnival at the nursing home. emily. alex. razzmatazz. make life sparkle. feeling of being empowered. Minnesota. cousins. sleeping on the trampoline. straightening chris's hair. exploring. walks with anika. hiking. waterfalls. biking. floating down a river in tubes. sun burns. naked people in Madison. huge farmers market. 
J U L Y 
Little Eden. cabin in the woods. phil. brandon. sarah. boats. snapping turtles. perfect weather. campfire on the beach. sunsets. relaxation at its finest. cherry spitting contest. kayaking with an. volleyball camp. university of Michigan. patrick. autographs. long hours. gatorade. subway. bdubs. 'rach's birthday'. laughter. concert. kari jobe. mom. kate. anya. inspiration. big church. great music. panera bread. sunset. love. dying hair . kaylyn. yari. fun. purple. teal. 
A U G U S T 
volleyball. varisty team. conditioning. dedication. learning. fall retreat. setting up tents. MYF. jim. jill. sleeping under the stars. fishing. long hours of playing volleyball. caleb&zach vs. josh&me.
S E P T E M B E R 
first bite. taco bell. supreme crunch wrap. aaron. gabe. caught on tape. hot sauce. driving skills. walmart runs. baptism. testimony. water. dad. towel with my name. sparkling shirt. hugs. tears. love. joy. beginning of a journey. 
O C T O B E R 
square dancing. liecthy's barn. candy corn. cider. new moves. MYF. virginia. surprising ki and others at the musical. bowl of good. sleepover with ev, ki, and kat. two worlds collide. 
N O V E M B E R 
chrysalis flight. butterfly. beautiful beloved brunettes. prayer. candles. candy. speakers. poster parties. friends. jordan. feeling HIS presence. 
D E C E M B E R. 
leading worship. planning. preparation. peace. affirmation. lori. learning. birthday. lights at the zoo. ear piercings. 17. happy.

what a year it has. i look forward to the coming year. i cannot wait to see what God has in store. 
take care.

1 comment:

MB said...

this was really fun to read through..what a good year! hope to visit you guys in the next few months.happy birthday and happy new year!