Monday, February 22, 2010

Winter Jam In Charlottesville!

Saturday afternoon I had the awesome pleasure of going to Winter Jam in Charlottesville. For those of you who don't know what Winter Jam is I'll tell ya the best I can. Winter Jam is a tour group made up of serveral Christian bands such as: Third Day, Newsboys, Newsong, Tenth Avenue North, and some other new bands. They tour around the country to about 44 cities in all. Charlottesville happened to be the 22nd. Myself and my youth group from church went. Kate and I both took a friend not to mention what awesome friends they are! Anyways, we left the church around 3ish (PM of course) and  got to the John Paul Jones Arena (where the concert was to be held) around 4ish. When we got out of the cars we saw the line and let me tell ya it was a long line. But thanks to my awesome youth pastor you could say we found our way to the almost front of the line. Which explains why we got amazing seats! The concert was amazing and very LOUD. There were a ton of people there and the bands were amazing! You could feel God's energy and presence throughout the whole arena. We all hand our hands in the air like we just didn't care! We were all screaming and dancing, it was amazing!! During intermission when my friend Kiara and I went to get T-shirts we had to hold onto eachother so we wouldn't get separated, because so many people wanted T-shirts too. Overall, the concert was absolutely amazing and just a God moment for me. With so many Christians there for the same reason you were it was like we were all in this together. Praise God!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Workout Indeed..

Today for "gym" my dad made my sister and I walk the border of our property ( .5 mile) in knee-high snow. O me goodness, was that a workout or what. KNEE HIGH SNOW, WIND IN YOUR FACE, GUNK IN YOUR THROAT, AND A STUFFY NOSE were the factors that really made it a killer workout. Just go take a walk out in knee high snow for an half an hour, and you will know what I mean. When your in a situation like the one for me this morning, really the key thing is Endurance. Pushing yourself and having the confidence that you will make it. I think somethings in life also take a lot of endurance, like getting through hard times. Whether it be set-backs, loss, changing your habits, the list could go on. The quote that sticks with me when I think of my life is this one:
The Christian race is not a's a marathon. 
I think sometimes as humans we want to jump to conclusions, when really it's better to take it day by day. Think about this quote as you go about your week. 
Take Care,  

Thursday, February 11, 2010

New Blog Design

I want to thank my dear friend Emily, for designing this new blog design for me!! Thanks Em..

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Check This Out..

Fellow Friends,
My dad has started his blog again. He had started it a couple summers ago when he went on a bike trip. Anyways, he has now begun to post reguarly. Here is the address:
Take Care,

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Saints Won!

Knock Knock...Who's There....The Saints....The Saints Who?......THE SAINTS WON THE SUPERBOWL!! Post a comment of which commercial you liked best from the Superbowl. My favorite was the Doritos one with the dog and the shock collar. If you didn't watch the Superbowl, sorry:(
Take Care,

Saturday, February 6, 2010

A Boat Load of Snow!!

God has sent us a HUGE amount of snow here in VA!! Here are some of my snow pics:

Enjoy the snow to whoever got some. And also enjoy your Superbowl Sunday!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Are You Ready?!

Yes I am ready. Yes I am ready for 1.5-2 feet of SNOW!! And yes that is what they are calling for here in  VA!! It's supposed to SNOW, SNOW, SNOW!! Can't wait! Last night my dad, my sisters and I went looking for a blow-up sled thing, sorta like a tube, but everywhere we went they didn't have what we were looking for. Today I am planning to find a book and read and take a couple walks in the Winter Wonderland. Post a comment of what you are planning to do in the wicked immensity of snow we are supposed to get!
Take Care and Be Safe! 

Monday, February 1, 2010

My Superbowl Pick

Thanks to all of you who voted on my poll, and what I didn't tell is that the team who got the most votes in the end was who I am going to cheer for. So to all of you who voted for the Saints, you have my vote too. Now if the Patriots would've been in the running the would have my vote, I am a die-heart fan of Tom Brady!! But since they didn't make it the Saints are who I am rooting for.