Sunday, January 9, 2011

One of the amazing people in my life....

Today I had the privilege of taking some pics of my beautiful sister Kate. So I thought I would share some pics with you!
Don't you just love her cute hat?!
She can be a little weird, but I still love her!
She's amazing, no doubt about it!
Hope your doing well and Take Care, 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

New, New, New

Hey Everyone! I am sure all of you are wondering how my first week of school went and how I am adjusting. Well I am happy to say that I had a great first week! I met so many nice and welcoming people and I am so grateful for this! Sure there is a lot of change I am getting used to but I feel it is going smoothly so far :) 

Another new thing I'm getting used to is NEW FURNITURE!! This week our new furniture arrived and it just adds to the homey feeling in our house now. I love the furniture and I'm sure you want to see what it looks like well here you go:
 The Sofa
The Chair-and-a-half and the leather recliner

 And the two awesome arm-less chairs

I love each of the pieces! It just makes our new home more comfy! Thanks for all of you who were praying for me and my sisters this week! I know many of you were and I want to personally thank you!
Take Care,

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Looking Back

First of all, Happy New Year to everyone! I wish you all the best in the coming year. I learned from someone who I admire greatly that in order to go forward you need to be able to look back at where you've come from. So here are some of my highlights and memories from 2010....

During the month of January I received my Nikon Coolpix S650 in the mail and then had an amazing year of taking pictures. I will continue to take photos throughout the years, because of a passion for photography :)

In February when received the boat load of snow in Virginia. Which was a HUGE surprise and a lot of fun!

In the month of March, going snow tubing with my youth group and then going to Hank's Smokehouse for supper was a highlight :)

In April, Jessie my dog ate a whole chocolate bunny and didn't die thankfully!

My favorite month of all probably. In May was when our nanny goats gave birth to the little ones. It was fun being able to play with the kids and give them names.

In the month of June, I had the opportunity to speak the message for Youth Sunday. Which was such a rewarding experience in so many ways!

In July, my youth group at Ridgeway went to Indianapolis for a week to do service. I learned a lot and grew so much from the different challenges that brought.

August was the month summer slowly started to come to an end. Volleyball season began and the preparation for school started.

In September, I had the joy of starting as a player on the JV Volleyball team as a freshman. It was a lot of fun to play and connect with some pretty awesome girls. Also being able to make it to the championship and coming in second place!

October was a busy month with balancing school work and volleyball. School also had its rewards like making many new friends and just having fun!

November was the month that the idea of moving really began to set in. We began the process of packing and had so much help moving!

December was a month of mixed feelings. The joys of Christmas and a birthday filled the air while also the sadness of having to say goodbye was also present. My highlight of this month was on my birthday when my dad surprised me by coming to VA from OH where he was getting our new house ready. Thanks again dad, I will never forget that!

I think what overall this year will be remembered for is the process of our family discerning what God wanted for us and then following his call to the state of Ohio. As we begin a new journey and a new year here in Ohio there will be many challenges and surprises ahead of us and I am really looking forward to what God has in store for us.
Take Care Everyone,