Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Real Treat

Yesterday afternoon I had the real privelge of learning from 'the expert' my grandma on how to make pie crusts. My grandma quotes while she was rolling out the crust, "When I was your age people used to say that a girl was ready to be married when she could make it into a circle." She means when your rolling out the pie crust you try to make it into a circle so it can fit onto the pie pan well without having to do much trimming. So once you could make it into a circle you could be married. I found that to be funny and interesting. Working and learning by my grandmother's side was a very cool experience for me. After the process of making the pie crusts we fit them into the pie pans and then made a pie. The recipe we used made 3 crusts, we froze 2 and made one into a pecan pie. I have some pictures, but for some reason they are not loading :(
So you just have to picture a pecan pie :)

1 comment:

Evan said...

haha cool. are you ready to get married?