Monday, July 29, 2013


throughout this summer I have become to realize more and more how much I love my family. not just my mom dad and sisters, although those are the ones I probably have missed this most. while living with my grandparents in Kidron, I have also come to love and care for them in a new way that I dont think I would have if i wouldn't have been with them most of this summer. and this past week as I spent time with my dad's side of the family i was also reminded how much I love being around my cousins and grandparents on that side as well. how much fun we have together, and the laughter we share whenever we get together.
there is something really special about knowing you are related to someone. a connection you wouldn't necessarily feel with a friend. while friends may come and go, family remains close and steady and they are always there to fall back on. now, i say all that but at the same time i realize that not all would view their family that way. as i've heard the stories and reality of some of the kids i work with in Canton, i realize how blessed i have been. how blessed i have been to grow up in a family where both a mom and a dad are present. how blessed i have been to grow up in a Christian home where good morals and values have been passed down to me and have helped to create a strong foundation.
you don't always realize what you have until its no longer there anymore.
ive really become aware of this reality as i had to say goodbye to my beloved parents and my two bestest friends, my sisters, for most of this summer. it has not been easy for me. and i have to think of what it will be like when i say goodbye in about a year from now as i head off to college. its not easy to leave the ones you feel most comfortable with. the ones who know you best and accept you no matter where your at in life. but ive learned a lot from being away from them. ive gained more independence, and i view that as a positive thing.
so i encourage you to take time to remember and give thanks for the family members that have helped shape you over the years. we aren't who we are without the help and guidance from those who share that connection of being related with us.
take care,

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